§ 41-24. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this act [article], the following words and terms shall have the following meanings, unless some other meaning is plainly intended:


    Authority shall mean the Palm Beach County Water and Pollution Control Authority.


    Sewer system shall mean and shall include any plant, system, facility or property and additions, extensions and improvements thereto at any future time constructed or acquired as part thereof, useful or necessary or having the present capacity for future use in connection with the collection, treatment, purification or disposal of sewage of any nature or originating from any source, including industrial wastes resulting from any processes of industry, manufacture, trade or business or from the development of any natural resources, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing definition shall include treatment plants, pumping stations, lift stations, valves, force mains, intercepting sewers, laterals, pressure lines, mains and all necessary appurtenances and equipment, all sewer mains and laterals for the reception and collection of sewage from premises connected therewith, and shall include all real and personal property and any interest therein, rights, easements, and franchises of any nature whatsoever relating to any such system and necessary or convenient for the operation thereof.


    Water system shall mean and include any plant, system, facility or property and additions, extensions and improvements thereto at any future time constructed or acquired as part thereof, useful or necessary or having the present capacity for future use in connection with the development of sources, treatment or purification and distribution of water for domestic or industrial use and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall include dams, reservoirs, storage tanks, mains, lines, valves, pumping stations, laterals, and pipes for the purpose of carrying water to the premises connected with such system and shall include all real and personal property and any interests therein, rights, easements, and franchises of any nature whatsoever relating to any such system and necessary or convenient for the operation thereof.


    Cost as applied to the acquisition and construction of a water system or a sewer system or combined water and sewer system or extensions, additions or improvements thereto shall include the cost of construction or reconstruction, acquisition or purchase, the cost of labor, materials, machinery and equipment, cost of all lands and interests therein, property, rights, easements and franchises of any nature whatsoever, financing charges, interest prior to and during construction and for not more than two (2) years after completion of the construction or acquisition of such water system or sewer system or combined water and sewer system or extensions, additions or improvements thereto, the creation of initial reserve or debt service funds, bond discount, cost of plans and specifications, surveys and estimates of costs and revenues, cost of engineering, financial and legal services, and all other expenses necessary or incidental in determining the feasibility or practicability of such construction, reconstruction or acquisition, administrative expenses and such other expenses as may be necessary or incidental to the financing authorized by this act [article], and including reimbursement of the county or any other person, firm or corporation for any moneys advanced or work performed in connection with any of the foregoing items of cost.


    Assessable improvements shall mean that portion or portions of a sewer system or a water system or combined water and sewer system of a local nature and or benefit to the premises or lands served thereby and particularly, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, with reference to a sewer system, shall include, without being limited to, laterals and mains for the collection and reception of sewage from premises connected therewith, local or auxiliary pumping or lift stations, treatment plants or disposal plants, and other appurtenant facilities and equipment for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage; and with reference to a water system shall include such mains and laterals and other distribution facilities, pumping stations, and sources of supply as are of benefit to the property served by such water system together with incidental equipment and appurtenances necessary therefor.


    Revenue bonds shall mean bonds or other obligations secured by and payable from the revenues derived from rates, fees and charges collected by the authority from the users of the facilities of any water system or sewer system or combined water and sewer system and which may be additionally secured by a pledge of the proceeds of special assessments levied against benefited property.


    Assessment bonds shall mean bonds or other obligations secured by and payable from special assessments levied against benefited lands pursuant to this act [article].


    Area of operation shall mean an area designated by the authority, by resolution duly adopted, as the area to be served by and in which a sewer system or water system or combined water and sewer system, constructed or acquired pursuant to this act [article], may operate.

(Laws of Fla., Ch. 67-1880, § 4)